Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Writing a review?? Isn't it ironic....

Isn't it ironic...
I am back!!!! And I have a something I would like to share with you. Last night I went to see Alanis Morissette at Terminal 5 in NYC. And let me tell you...life is different now. I think I may start refering to my life as BA - before Alanis, and AFAA -after freaking amazing Alanis. Let's be honest. Out of all the people I know, I am the one the least likely to go to a concert. I hate crowds...Don't get me wrong, I don't mind people as individuals, but don't underestimate the stupidify of people in crowds. It's a psychology - your stupid behavior gets covered by someone elses' even more stupid behavior, when there is a lot of people with nothing to do. I also  hate to wait in the crowd trying to leave the venue or simply go to the bathroom...and to be honest, I don't really care that much about any band to get over my dislike of stupid people in huge masses. And concerts are usually the ultimate drunken morons support groups... But there is one exception to the rule - Alanis. You know how you keep listening to that one album religiously over and over again, and it's that one and only you go to when you're sad and feeling down? And you blast it in your car, you sing to it like a freak? And you even sing the guitar parts? And you would get the weird stares from people around you if they actually gave a shit? (God bless New Yorkers for their lack of interest in your life, and thank God for the low standards of behavior in New York City, which allow your amateur car rock concert performance to blend in with your not-so-normal surroundings). And after you hear the familiar heart soothing tunes, it always helps you see the potential in staying alive? Well let me introduce you to "Jagged Little Pill"!!!! It's an absolute must have for any human being with a soul. That being said, all the male population can stop reading. Now!
So naturally, when the opportunity to see my Alanis (that is how I will be referring to her from now on, because I feel that we are connected on some level), I did not hesitate and bought two tickets. One for me, and on for my sister - who was expected to provide me with an emotional support in my happiness. However, after reading all the horrible reviews of the venue - Terminal 5, I had no expectations. Devastated does not come close to how I felt after one after another of the reviewers described how they did not even get to see the performer due to the crazyness of the crowd, the venue's horrible design, the small stage etc. "But for you - my Alanis- I'll go, and I WILL see you!!!" And so we went. Let me tell you something, this woman is a LEGEND. She is so incredibly weird that it puts the word "artistic" in a whole different perspective. She did an amazing job singing some of her older hits while having the audience sing with her, and she also introduced her new songs as well. Overall, the 4 hour standing number I pulled yesterday was worth every minute and every penny. You can enjoy the uploaded video along with my singing, because, that's righ, I have no shame...



  1. complaining, complaining. At least you have good sigers. I have german schlager
